Monday, April 26, 2010

Building a Better Stander

Today Nestor and I went to Adaptive Design and spent the morning and early afternoon building a stander for Amelia.  Normally, Adaptive Design won't build standers for children over 24" tall, but because we're the ones building it, they were open to us bringing in our own design and giving it a go -- knowing that we are responsible for any liability.  So Nestor and I came up with a design and today we built it!  We're 95% done.  We just need to go in tomorrow and tweak the construction, add castors and paint it up cute for our girl!  Very exciting!!!!!

And what a great experience.  The crew over there is as accommodating, knowledgeable, creative and capable as can be.  A huge thanks to the whole team there.  Nestor and I had such a good time and learned so much in such a short visit.  I joked at one point that this was more fun than taking salsa lessons.  Here we were, working together, communicating, trading off tasks and constructing something for our little girl!  So great.  Who knew watching Nestor handle a jigsaw could make my toes curl?????

Check us out on the Adaptive Design Blog today. And thanks to Lille for the pics of us in action!


Anonymous said...

It looks really good, she'll love it once it's all painted up pretty!


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed! Looking forward to seeing photos of the finished product. Barbara